Installfest Phase Three

At this point, we're ready to move on to learning our second programming language and accompanying framework. However, before we get started, we need to ensure we have the proper tools installed on our machines.


Install the PostgreSQL database management system (DBMS) using Homebrew with this command:

brew install postgresql

After Postgres is installed run this command:

brew services start postgresql

Followed by this command to test the install by creating a new database named the same as the current system user:


Also, if you're interested in using a GUI client for PostgreSQL, consider using Postico.

Installing Python 3

Brew is also used to install Python 3. (Python 2 is already installed on your Mac, the latest versions of MacOSX are also including Python 3 now. However, for safety concerns, we shouldn't actively develop our Python projects with the globally installed Python interpreter)

First, you might want to update Homebrew: brew update.

Install Python3 using Homebrew with this command: brew install python.

  1. You can test the installation by running python3 --version.

  2. You can also further test that you're using the correct (Homebrew) installation of Python by closing your terminal and then typing which python3

    • You should see /usr/local/bin/python3 print as a result

Python 3's package manager, pip3 should have automatically been installed with Python 3.

  1. Test that it was installed by running pip3 --version.

Next, let's install pipenv, this package enables us to better manages our project's dependencies, very similarly to how we managed dependencies with node/npm and package.json:

  1. To install, run: pip3 install pipenv


At this point, these are all the items we need for now, but eventually we'll end up installing Django and some other packages along the way.

Copyright © General Assembly 2022

Created by DanielJS