Korilla React Receipts

Korilla is a Korean barbecue taco truck that makes thousands of hungry customers happy every year.

Their CEO is thinking of updating their short order tracking system using React.

Build a prototype of this short order receipts tracker.


  • Creating/Updating State
  • Lifting State
  • Working with inputs and/or forms
  • Working with controlled and uncontrolled inputs


You will build out this codebase using this CodeSandbox Starter.


Complete parts 1, 2 and 3.

If you have extra time begin working on the bonus sections in the sequence they are provided.

Here is a working example of the app (Parts 1,2,3 only).

The Component Tree

- App
  |__ Form
  |__ Receipts
      |__ Receipt

Part 1: Render Receipts

You'll be rendering some receipts. This data should be copied/pasted into a file called receiptData.js and imported into App.js. Then use useState create [receipt, setReceipt] and assign receipt to the receiptData array.

const App = () => {
  const [receipt, setReceipt] = useState(receiptsArr)

Receipt Data

Here is a copy of the data needed to render some initial receipts.

Receipt Data
const receipts = [
    person: "Karolin",
    order: {
      main: "Burrito",
      protein: "Organic Tofu",
      rice: "Purple Rice",
      sauce: "Green Crack",
      drink: "Korchata",
      cost: 22
    paid: false
    person: "Jerrica",
    order: {
      main: "Rice Bowl",
      protein: "Ginger Soy Chix",
      rice: "Sticky Rice",
      sauce: "Korilla",
      drink: "Korchata",
      cost: 19
    paid: false
    person: "Matt",
    order: {
      main: "Salad Bowl",
      protein: "Organic Tofu",
      rice: "none",
      sauce: "K'lla",
      drink: "Sparkling Blood Orange Soda",
      cost: 20
    paid: false


The receipts should display the following information:

  • person
  • order
    • main
    • protein
    • rice
    • sauce
    • drink
    • cost
  • paid

korilla receipts rendered Mark

Part 2: Searching for receipts

Implement a form that allows you to search the receipts based on person name.

Once submitted the app should return only those matching names.

The inputs used to capture user data should all be controlled which requires using onChange and the use of state to update the inputs.

Part 3: Update the receipts

Right now, all the receipts are not paid.

Add a click event to the paid field that will toggle the values true or false.

Bonus #1: Add a New Receipt Form

Add a new form that will allow the user to add a new receipt that captures all the date needed to display the receipt. It should also the paid property to false by default.

The inputs used to capture user data should all be controlled which requires using onChange and the use of state to update the inputs.

Bonus #2: Add Paid and Not Paid buttons

Add two buttons that will allow you to easily toggle between receipts that are paid and not paid.

Only display those receipts based on the users selection of those buttons.

Here are some solutions with this bonus:

Bonus #3: Add a button that will sort the receipts

Add a button that will sort the receipts by name.

Here are some solutions with this bonus:

Bonus #4: Add some CSS

Be creative and add some CSS.

Here are previous student examples:


Copyright © General Assembly 2022

Created by DanielJS