Array Iterator Methods Lab


You've been introduced to several very useful array iterator methods such as forEach, filter, etc.

The following exercises provide practice using some of them.

This lab is not a Deliverable.

Set Up

  1. Create a HTML/CSS/JS Repl and name it "Array Methods Lab".

  2. Copy the code below into the repl and complete each exercise.


// Some data we can work with
const inventors = [
  { first: "Albert", last: "Einstein", year: 1879, passed: 1955 },
  { first: "Isaac", last: "Newton", year: 1643, passed: 1727 },
  { first: "Galileo", last: "Galilei", year: 1564, passed: 1642 },
  { first: "Marie", last: "Curie", year: 1867, passed: 1934 },
  { first: "Johannes", last: "Kepler", year: 1571, passed: 1630 },
  { first: "Nicolaus", last: "Copernicus", year: 1473, passed: 1543 },
  { first: "Max", last: "Planck", year: 1858, passed: 1947 },
  { first: "Katherine", last: "Blodgett", year: 1898, passed: 1979 },
  { first: "Ada", last: "Lovelace", year: 1815, passed: 1852 },
  { first: "Sarah E.", last: "Goode", year: 1855, passed: 1905 },
  { first: "Lise", last: "Meitner", year: 1878, passed: 1968 },
  { first: "Hanna", last: "Hammarström", year: 1829, passed: 1909 },

// Array.prototype.filter()
// 1. Filter the array of inventors into a new array containing only the inventors born in the 1500's

// 2. Map the array of the inventors into a new array containing objects with just the first and last names as properties

// Array.prototype.sort()
// 3. Sort the inventors by birthdate, oldest to youngest

// 4. Sort the inventors by years lived from shortest to longest lived

// Array.prototype.reduce()
// 5. How many years did all the inventors live?

const people = [
  "Becker, Carl",
  "Beckett, Samuel",
  "Beddoes, Mick",
  "Beecher, Henry",
  "Beethoven, Ludwig",
  "Begin, Menachem",
  "Belloc, Hilaire",
  "Bellow, Saul",
  "Benchley, Robert",
  "Benenson, Peter",
  "Ben-Gurion, David",
  "Benjamin, Walter",
  "Benn, Tony",
  "Bennington, Chester",
  "Benson, Leana",
  "Bent, Silas",
  "Bentsen, Lloyd",
  "Berger, Ric",
  "Bergman, Ingmar",
  "Berio, Luciano",
  "Berle, Milton",
  "Berlin, Irving",
  "Berne, Eric",
  "Bernhard, Sandra",
  "Berra, Yogi",
  "Berry, Halle",
  "Berry, Wendell",
  "Bethea, Erin",
  "Bevan, Aneurin",
  "Bevel, Ken",
  "Biden, Joseph",
  "Bierce, Ambrose",
  "Biko, Steve",
  "Billings, Josh",
  "Biondo, Frank",
  "Birrell, Augustine",
  "Black, Elk",
  "Blair, Robert",
  "Blair, Tony",
  "Blake, William",

// 6. Map the people array such that the new array consists of strings with the names formatted as "First Last", e.g., "Becker, Carl" should be mapped to "Carl Becker".

const data = [

// Array.prototype.reduce()
// 7. Count the number of instances for each of the data items.
// Hint:  Return an object where the keys are 'car', 'truck', etc. and the values are the count.

const devs = [
  { name: "Wes", year: 1988 },
  { name: "Kait", year: 1986 },
  { name: "Irv", year: 1970 },
  { name: "Lux", year: 2015 },

// Array.prototype.some()
// 8. Check if at least one person is 19 or older?

// Array.prototype.every()
// 9. Check if everyone is 19 or older?

const comments = [
  { text: "Love this!", id: 523423 },
  { text: "Super good", id: 823423 },
  { text: "You are the best", id: 2039842 },
  { text: "Ramen is my fav food ever", id: 123523 },
  { text: "Nice Nice Nice!", id: 542328 },

// Array.prototype.find()
// 10. Find the comment with the id of 823423

// Array.prototype.findIndex()
// 11. Find the index of the comment with an id of 123523


Array Reference on MDN

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Created by DanielJS