JavaScript Objects Lab: Guess The Number Game


This lab will provide you with practice working with JavaScript objects, plus some additional practice working with arrays.

This lab builds upon the game object that was started in the Intro to JS Objects lesson.

This lab is a deliverable

Lab Setup

For this lab, create a HTML, CSS & JS REPL from -- you can name it "JavaScript Objects Lab".

  1. Copy over the work already done on the game object from the lesson earlier into your REPL's script.js

  2. To make the game object's code 'cleaner', let's move the properties that were added separately during the lesson, into the object literal so that it looks like this:

    const game = {
      title: 'Guess the Number!',
      biggestNum: 100,
      smallestNum: 1,
      secretNum: null,
      play: function() {
        this.secretNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * 
          (this.biggestNum - this.smallestNum + 1)) + this.smallestNum;

Note that numGuesses has been removed because you will be adding a prevGuesses array whose length can be used to obtain the number of guesses when needed.

  1. To begin running your code and checking its output, click the [run] button.


  • Allow the player to continually be prompted to enter their guess of what the secret number is until they guess correctly

  • If the player has an incorrect guess, display an alert message that informs the player:

    • Whether their guess is too high, or too low, and...
    • A list of all the previously guessed numbers (without showing the square brackets of an array)
  • If the player has guessed the secret number:

    • Display an alert message that congrats the player and informs them of how many guesses they took
    • End the game play


Completing the following tasks will result in a working Guess the Number game:

  1. Add a prevGuesses property to the game object initialized to an empty array

  2. Add a getGuess method to game that prompts the player to enter a guess with a message formatted as: Enter a guess between [smallestNum] and [biggestNum]:. Hint - use a template literal for the prompt message

  3. Ensure that the getGuess method returns a value that is:

    • Is a number, not a string
    • Is between smallestNum and biggestNum, inclusive
    • Hints:
      • This is a great use case for a while loop
      • parseInt returns NaN if the string cannot be parsed into a number
  4. From within the play method, invoke the getGuess method and add the new guess to the prevGuesses array

  5. Add a render method to game that play will call after a guess has been made that alerts:

    • If the secret has been guessed:
      Congrats! You guessed the number in [x] guesses!
    • Otherwise:
      Your guess is too [high|low]
      Previous guesses: x, x, x, x
    • Hints:
      • render won't be able to access any of play's local variables, e.g., guess, so be sure pass render any arguments as needed
      • Template literals not only have interpolation, they honor whitespace - including line breaks!
      • The list of previous guesses can be generated using the array join method
  6. The play method should end (return) when the guess matches secretNum


  • When play is run, immediately prompt the player to enter the smallest and biggest numbers instead of having them pre-set

Copyright © General Assembly 2022

Created by DanielJS